Death Pomade Indonesia

Death Pomade : For You Who Love Fashion Style Hair

Hear about the hair style you must have in mind the woman's long hair, which is usually in a vise, in curling, and hair styles other women. But now this hair style is not just for women only, men also pay attention to hairstyle look perky. Actually been used since as a stylish hairstyle Elvis madame de pomador which makes hair swept upward like a wave up. There is also a stylish clean-shaven and then combed sideways or backward and could create wavy hair could look straight.

I do not miss to use pomade to add hairstyle, my hair style using a product that is a product of Death Pomade. This pomade locally from Indonesia that the quality is not lost to foreign products.

Many kinds of hair style you want creation. as heavy to very hard so that you hair not damaged if the wind, medium to you guys that do not like too loud so it was a bit soft, then there is very soft light

Death Pomade : Heavy Pomade

Death Pomade : Medium Pomade

Then Death Pomade released a new product, pomade that can be lost only by water. This is made for people who do not bother to remove pomade in hair, we do not have to wash your hair several times to remove pomade sufficiently moistened with water or washing with shampoo once could be lost. Well, I  use this product is named “Tengkorak”. pomade is helpful to straighten hair or able to make your hair style.

Death Pomade : Waterbased "TENGKORAK"

Well thanks for the DeathPomade can make people hair style be classy.



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